Two days to go until Christmas! Even Porgy is excited, and was hanging out with Santa Clause earlier today, checking to see if he was on Santa's Naughty or Nice List. I assured Porgy he is on Santa's Nice List! I went to wish the bulls a Merry Christmas and one walked over to me to wish me the same but, seriously, what's up with his glowing eye? I won’t be posting tomorrow, on Christmas Eve, as I will be anxiously watching the sky for Santa Claus’s sleigh and reindeer. I will be looking for
Rudolph’s red nose shining bright in the night sky. And I can’t wait to see what Santa Claus brings me. Will it be a meaty bone? A big bag of yummy treats? I would not even mind something from
the Island of Misfit Toys. The suspense is building! I am even licking my chops just thinking of the goodies I might be eating in two days! But even if I receive no gift, because I know times are hard economically, to have the love of my human and my pet sibs (Silvius, Porgy, Kitty, and Havana), and a safe, comfy house with food and water every day, is really the best gift of all. To be loved, to have love, and to give love – what more is there? (OK, I know, yummy bunnies!) As Band Aid sang,
“In our world of plenty we can spread a smile of joy; throw your arms around the World at Christmas time.” May Peace and Love reign in our World between all humans and animals. And I hope all of my animal and human friends are blessed with their wishes fulfilled on Christmas. Have a warm and loving Christmas Eve and a
Holly Jolly Christmas! And for all the pups playing in the snow, don’t be afraid if you happen to run into the
Abominable Snowman. Just pretend you are a bunny and he won’t eat you. But I might…bunnies are yummy. I’m just sayin’…