It was a crisp Autumn day. The sky was overcast, there was a slight breeze, and the chill in the air made it perfect for napping. So I curled up in my pile of dried, crinkly, crunchy leaves and drifted off to doggy dreamland, where mountaintops filled with snow loomed before me and yummy bunnies hopped all around waiting to fill my tummy. Suddenly, I felt that something was not quite right. It seemed as if I had been sleeping for an awfully long time. Usually that is not a problem, but before my nap my human, K, had mentioned that she would be going into town later in the day. I specifically barked to K to
wake me up before she goes. I thought I could join her and perhaps convince her to buy me a meaty bone. But did K wake me up? No. She left me sleeping in my pile of leaves, and I was dreaming when I should have been with her instead. And I didn't even get a meaty bone! Grrrr....When I want to be left alone she wakes me and when I want to be woken up she leaves me alone. K needs to move out of Opposite Land and come live in Do As I Woof (or bark...or howl) Land. I'm just sayin'...
You need an automatic treat dispenser! You're good all the time right?!
Hugs to you, K, and all the critters.
I think the two of us should team up!
I'm just sayin' I think we khould shape 'em up!
PeeEssWoo: Khomfy sleepy spot!
I like what your saying Suka. Thank K for her kind words of my shop. I like how she puts the video/song related to what is being said. Very creative.
I think maybe K needs to go back to school. Seriously.
Woof! Woof! Hi There ... I'm Sugar. LOVE you name SUKA (it means sweet - right???) I totally agree on your "sleep" post. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
I'd want to go too as long as I didn't have to listen to too much WHAM! ;)
Very cute :)
She should have woken you up...I'm just sayin'.
Teddy Bear
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