~~ Alcibiades, prominent Athenian Statesman, Orator, and General, 450–404 BC
~~ Baltasar Gracián y Morales, SJ, Spanish Jesuit and Baroque Prose Writer, 1601 - 1658
As Geoffrey Chaucer wrote in “The Knight’s Tale,” from his work The Canterbury Tales, circa 1387 – 1400, “All things must end.” And today, on this 12th Day of Christmas and Eve of Epiphany, it seems aptly appropriate to write the epilogue to Suka’s Just Sayin’.
Suka was my “Christmas Miracle.” A few years ago right after Thanksgiving Suka took off on one of his journeys. For a month I prayed for his safe return. Just a few days before Christmas Suka showed up at the back door extremely thin, very haggard, and a bit dazed. My prayers had been answered. Suka was home and he was safe, and just in time for Christmas. So I feel that as the Christmas Season comes to an end, on this 12th Day of Christmas, so must Suka’s blog conclude.
Before I continue I would like to take a brief educational and historical detour:
For those who do not know, the Twelve Days of Christmas are the days from Christmas until the beginning of Epiphany (January 6th; the 12 days count from December 25th until January 6th). Epiphany is a Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God the Son as a human being in Jesus Christ. The Feast of Epiphany unites three events in the life of Christ when His divinity shines through His humanity: the Adoration of the Magi; the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan; and the first miracle at the Wedding Feast of Cana in Galilee.
The Christmas carol, “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” celebrates the official Christmas season which starts liturgically on Christmas Day and ends twelve days later on the Feast of the Epiphany. While some claim the song is French in origin, other evidence indicates that it originated in 16th Century England, written by English Jesuits. The song was used to educate the faithful in the doctrines of Catholicism, yet not be obvious to the persecutors. The gifts in the song are hidden meanings to the teachings of the faith. This was done because for 232 years, from 1559 – 1791, it was illegal to be Catholic in England.
And for one more historical tidbit, I just completed reading, “The Travels of Marco Polo [The Venetian].” Originally published in 1300, the book I read was published in 1926 and is based on the William Marsden classical English edition of 1818. Early in his journey, Marco Polo discusses the Three Kings, also know as the Magi:
“In Persia there is a city which is called Saba, from whence were the three Magi who came to adore Christ in Bethlehem; and the three are buried in that city in a fair sepulchre, and they are all three entire with their beards and hair.”
Marco Polo continues, “…After three day’s journey you come to a castle which is called Cala Ataperistan, which means the Castle of Fire-Worshippers...” Marco Polo then proceeds to relate the story of the Fire Worshippers, whose origins are intriguing. The Three Kings were making their way back home carrying the gift they received from the infant Jesus, which was a box with a stone in it. The stone was
“intended for a sign that they should remain as firm as a stone in the faith they had received from him. When, however, they saw the stone they marvelled, and thinking themselves deluded, they threw the stone into a certain pit, and instantly fire burst forth in the pit...When they saw this, the repented bitterly of what they had done, and taking some of the fire with them they carried it home. And having placed it in one of their churches, they keep it continually burning, and adore that fire…and if ever it happen to be extinguished, they go for more to the original pit where they threw the stone, which is never extinguished…”
JM is the mom of Bailey, who was a dear friend of Suka's. JM is a very talented artist who is known around the pet blogging community for her incredibly wonderful portraits of our pets, including my Suka. And, I am thrilled to write, I have finally received his portrait and am delighted by how gorgeous and life-like it is. The photo I took does not do JM's work justice, but I think you can get a sense to how fabulously she has captured Suka's smile and beautiful, soulful eyes. Thank you, JM! Every time I look at your portrait of my Suka I feel he is smiling at me. It brings peace to my heart and it is a treasure that I will cherish forever.
Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart.
~~ Washington Irving, American Author, Essayist, Biographer, Historian, and Diplomat of the early 19th century,
1783 - 1859
Thank you to all who visited, commented, and befriended my Suka, and in extension, me. Your friendship meant the world to us, and pulled me through many difficult times. We always anxiously looked forward to reading your comments and visiting your blogs, seeing what all our animal and human friends were up too. We lost some amazing friends, who will forever remain in my memory and heart, and constantly made new friends. We were always in awe by the kindness, compassion, and love shown by all those we encountered in the pet blogging community and felt privileged to be a part of such an extraordinary community.
~~ Seneca, Roman Stoic Philosopher, Statesman, Dramatist, and in one work Humorist, 4 BC – AD 65
Writing Suka’s blog has been a fantastically amazing and wonderful experience and I am so grateful I embarked on this journey with Suka. Translating his never-ending love, joy of living, and exuberantly happy spirit into words on a blog was a thrilling and creative adventure and has given me a lifetime of memories. But with Suka gone it does not seem right to leave his blog open, so it is in his honor, and with respect to his memory, that I bring his blog to a close.
Thank you for those who have continued to write such kind comments. And I truly appreciated the heartfelt New Years wishes. I am sorry I was unable to visit all of your blogs to wish all of you a successful, healthy, and joyful New Year 2013. So, a belated "Cheers!" I will be checking my comments on a regular basis, so I will always get any messages you leave me, and I will continue to visit your blogs but may not always be able to comment. When I do comment, it will be under a new name, of which I have not decided, but you will know it is me. I definitely want to come back to blogging but I am not sure when or on what topic. I am not ready to adopt a new dog, and probably won’t be ready for quite some time.
Suka is laid to rest, and now his blog is laid to rest as well. Peace.
Some trails are happy ones,
Others are blue.
It's the way you ride the trail that counts,
Here's a happy one for you.
~~ Dale Evans, American Writer, Movie Star, and Singer-Songwriter, and third wife of singing cowboy Roy Rogers, 1912 – 2001
Woof! Woof! Delighted to be bloggie friends. Lots of great and precious memories of Suka ... will never be forgotten. Sending you Lots of Golden LOVE. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
You are such an amazing person. We are all very fortunate to know you through Suka's blog - and to be able to share the beauty of Suka. I truly love the photos of Suka with his favorite horse pal - Little Gray. There are so many of us here in the blogging world that can truly understand your pain. As you know, many of us have furry angels, too. Just like you, we, too have looked forward to reading and enjoying your and Suka's blog and now that Suka's blog is beautifully laid to rest, I can only hope that you will find a new topic to share with all of us. Suka is lovingly missed by all of us as well as your loving insight on so many things is missed, too. As your heart continues to heal and get stronger, my wish is that you find a new subject to share with all of us once again in the future.
With Respect and Love,
Joan (and little Janie Poo of course, too.)
P.S. When the time is right and you are ready, we look forward to spending time with you again.
Oh, and I know exactly how you feel, I also have a painted portrait of our precious angel Skippy that brings me such joy each and every day.
That is a wonderful epilogue to Suka's life, thank you so much. A beautiful dog and so many moments of beauty. You must be so pleased to have the painting too. Do let us know if you start another blog.
Very best wishes,
Gail (and Bertie).
What a post -
Mom and I are always one fur khlosure and woo have done it soooo furry well - albeit sadly in that khlosure is necessary -
As others have pawed - and will khontinue to paw - we hope woo will blog again as woo always taught us soooooooo much about life and love and all things in between -
One day, I'll get to run the trails with Handsome Suka - won't our tails be a thing of beaWOOOty?
PeeEssWoo: Mom says HI!
I want to thank you for sharing Suka with us. Suka will be missed dearly. I wanted to email you but couldn't find an email address. Please know my thoughts are with you.
Ah, amigo!
É dificil mesmo seguir em frente sem o amigo ao lado..mas seja forte pois onde quer que ele esteja...estará com o a lingua de fora te apreciando!
Saudades de vc querido suka!
We sent you a message earlier and we hope you got it on your last post. Please don't go. We will really miss you. Gray and Suka gave us teary eyes. We really want you to stay around even with a new blog of some sorts. We send hugs and love and blow kisses to Suka over the rainbow bridge. Take care.
Best wishes Molly
Even though I just met you and Suka not too long before he crossed the bridge, I always looked forward to the love and joy you both brought to your bloggie. It has been a joy to read. I hopes you will start a new blog in the future, no matter what form it takes.
Kisses and hugs,
We will always remember our furiend Suka. We will be back to visit & remember.
This was, truly, a beautiful closure.
RA, Isis & Nanük
Porgy- we strong and take care of your mum, she will need you.
What an absolutely beautiful post.
Love and hugs to you xxx
Your post is beautiful but my heart is crying. I want to say plese don't go- but we understand how you must bring this chapter to a close.
We loved Suka so much.
Tears fell as we saw little Gray and Suka so close to each other,,,,
ohhh you have touched our hearts.
The portrait of Suka is the most beautuiful portrait--- what a treasure.
Suka- your in our hearts forever,,, we will not forget you,,, and K-- please come back to us.
love you always
Suka watches over you every minute. So glad to read a post from you!
I loved all of Suka's pictures in this Blog post.... Set up like a scrapbook!! Very neat.... ;)
What a breathtakingly beautiful work of art!! JM is amazing!! ;-D
I will miss this Blog, but understand your reasons for discontinuing it. Keep in "touch", Friend. You can always visit/comment on Beautifully Unique!! ;op
We will be very sorry to see the blog close, but you and Suka will always remain very close to us in our hearts. We hope we will find you again on another blog. When the time is right, we are sure Suka will help you find that special pup.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
This is such a beautiful post. We understand your feelings about letting Suka's blog rest with him but we will miss you so much. Hope we see you pop in once in a while just to say HI.
We love you....
A beautiful epilogue. Thank you for being my friend.
What a beautiful post. Although we only met you recently, we know what a special person you are and how much Suka meant to you. We were so sorry for your loss and often think of you as we have had many furry losses and they are the hardest to get over. Please please let us know when you decide to blog again. We will be thinking of you.
All the best for this new year.
Many hugs,
Katie and Coccolino
We miss you and that was just lovely :) xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
Happy New Years my friend- may this year bring you happiness...and perhaps a new friend? we are waiting for a couple of years more until we can move out to Colorado at the ranch permanently however, you know how that goes, when a pup finds you- all your well laid plans get tossed out with the potty papers...ha! beautiful pictures of our sweet lady.
A beautiful epilogue... Suka will always be remembered and we will miss you. Thank you for the furiendship.
Licks, hero
Please don't leave us. Lovely photos of the beautiful Suka, Silvius and Gray, thanks for sharing.
I feel priviliged and honoured to of got to know Suka through the wonderful world of blogging.
You are dearly missed but your memory will always live on.
Take care Sheba.
What a beautiful beautiful tribute. Suka always brought more than a moment of beauty into my life.
Dear K,
We will always remember sweet Suka. Please do come back to us when you are ready -- we will be waiting! :)
Healing woofs & huggies, <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
Beautiful! We hope to hear from you soon, under your new name.
Such a beautiful fitting requiem to such a beautiful soul, Suka. We think of him and you, K, often...now that it is snowing here, I remember just how much Suka loved it. I imagine him rolling all around in it in the snowy fields beyond the Rainbow Bridge. We will surely miss your moments of beauty and blogging, and do hope your absence will not be too long. Thank you for sharing Suka with us...one of the most beautiful moments of all. Happy trails indeed beautiful boy. I will always remember you in your awesome bicentennial garb...your big beautiful smile, and your love of adventure. Hopefully one day, K, you will be inspired to once again pick up that blogging pen. We are here for you, our dear friend, whenever, wherever.
What a wonderful post for Suka. Such an incredible work of art JM created of him. I know you will treasure it always :)
How's Mom doing? Thought I'd check in with yaz. Air hugs comin your way! Better duck, Mom has a few extra pounds to fling around these days ;) Lots of lick from me! :)
Waggin at ya,
Thank you so much for these wonderful words about Suka.
He will be always in my heart. Thank you so much for your friendship and for all your beautiful words.
We'll never forget you and Suka. it will be close to the heart can no longer come to the blog of Suka, but we agree, we would have done the same.
Hope to see you, K, soon.
Thank you for all.
Woof, woof,
Chicco & family
I'm reading this with LES, knowing that life changes for all of us, and I don't do change very well. I have so loved your moments of beauty, they have touched my art-history-loving soul to the core. Speaking of art, his portrait is beautiful!
We are so glad we met you & Suka, and had a chance to share in his adventures and he in ours. this is such a beautiful and touching tribute to him, a fitting way to conclude his blog.
Love is forever, his adventure continues over the Rainbow Bridge. I'm sure Suka and our beloved Star will cross paths there and become instant best buds. It just seems like they would, to me.
Take time to heal, give Silvius a nice pat on the head from us, and we hope we'll still hear from you now & again.... (in Suka's immortal words:) "just sayin'".
All the best to you, Pat, Jack, & Moo
It is not an ending, for the ties that bind are forever...you to Suka...us to both of you. This beautiful final tribute is not an ending but we hope an evolution into something amazing as would befit Suka. We are sorry the WDA is so late to find this post but are confident that you will see that we have been here and know that you and Suka (and Silvius and Porgy) are always in our hearts and most positive thoughts. Perhaps you might find time and desire to continue the story begun here through the eyes of Silvius and Porgy? But in any case know all you have to do is howl into the night and we will be there in a heartbeat...Always.
I miss Suka. He was a sweet and special boy.
Happy Valentine's Day!! ;op
Love, Raelyn.... Plus Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!
Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.
Grrrrr, we hate spammers. Love & peace to woooos,
Oh my dog! I am just reading about Suka's passing. We have been away from blogging for quite a long time and did not know. I am so VERY sorry for your loss. Suka was such a handsome boy and will be greatly missed.
Holly & Khady
Ahhh...all these pictures never fail to bring us back to all those wonderful memories we have of Suka. Thank you , K for sharing Suka with us.
"K, I know you will get back stronger and of all you will bring us greater blessings too". - Kim
Thanks for visiting and we are looking forward to hear from you soon!
Love ya,
Jon Terry & Kim
Wowserz! Spam overload.
Just dropping in with Nala, mommy and Taylor -- we are thinking of you and hope you're doing well!
Big woofs & huggies to you, my friends. Lots of prayers being sent your way. <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
Happy Easter to you all xxx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
"The little details are by far the most important." --Sherlock Holmes. I love that line!! I can so totally relate to it!! ;)
Speaking of "little details". I have noticed that you are my 38th Follower!! I just wanted to say "thanks"!! ;-D
Have a happy Easter!! ;)
--Raelyn and Rose
Bless Suka we hope you get this but just a moment of thought for our dear departed friend.
We wish you all a Happy Easter. We hope the Easter Bunny hops by with lots of treats. Enjoy.
Best wishes Molly
Miss you, Suka. Hoping you are chasing the Easter bunny through snow covered meadows beyond the Rainbow Bridge!
Hi K,
I kind of miss reading your posts. How are you? Happy Easter by the way (or belated).
Anything new happening? I hope you could drop me an email. I'd love to hear from you again.
P.S. No more huggies and cheese anymore.
Very nice and well-written post.
Don't know how I missed this when you first posted, but after I read your email I thought I would come back and see if there had been any updates here. Missing Suka often and always hoping you are doing well!
We really want you to stay around even with a new blog of some sorts. We send hugs and love and blow kisses to Suka over the rainbow bridge. Take care.Challenge coins
Little Gray. There are so many of us here in the blogging world that can truly understand your pain. As you know, many of us have furry angels, too. Just like you, weChallenge coins
Thinking of you. :)
Woofs & huggies, <3
~Bailey & Nala (Yep, we're girls!)
Hi!! I created another Blog today--just for diverse Writing Projects!!--check it out at this address, if you would like!! ;)
http://writing--projects.blogspot.com/ .
Such a warm post for your Suka. He was greatly loved and will always live in the heart of his family and friends. You have so many happy memories of him. May they warm your heart forever.
Thinking of you Suka as it just recently snowed here and the Sibes were so happy to be out in it. I remember how much you loved the snow and know you are having a wonderful time in all the beautiful, sparkling snow beyond the Rainbow Bridge. You are missed, our friend. Thoughts to your hu-mom, K, too.
Thinking of you often Angel Suka,
Hope RARA found wooo Suka, it makes me happy to think of woooos running and playing together,
We stopped by on this anniversary of our furiends passing, to wish you all peace (how are woo Porgy??!!) and to remember and to think of the time when we will all meet and play, happy thoughts,
Nuk & Isis
We stopped today to look at your pretty pictures Suka, leaving good thoughts and wishes for peace,
Nuk & Family
Stopped by again to read and think how funny Suka was with his animal friends. Tiger and I Have adopted another cat [since we can't have a dog here] named Eartha Kitty so Tiger has a friend to keep him company. We follow "Bob and Sophies" blog, since "Suka's Just Sayin" was our 1st blog we ever read since getting a computer! We still miss Suka and his beautiful blog. Love Cindy, Tiger and Eartha Kitty
Just stopped by as I was thinking of Suka... <3
keren abis
nice and perfect
Love an wooooos,
We thought of you today- wanted to stop and paw love,
NukNuk & family
Wooo, miss you buddy
Love an wooos, we won’t forget you Suka,
love an wooos buddy, hope nuk found you,
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