28 August 2008
24 August 2008
Mr. Thicket
23 August 2008
Orange Cat

21 August 2008
20 August 2008
Save the Baby Whale!

18 August 2008
Fluffy Furballs

12 August 2008
Escape From Alcatraz!
02 August 2008
Chaos Abounds
My human K would like to apologize for insulting the intelligence of my animal readers/friends. In my previous blog entry {30 July 2008} I was working on positing an original piece I had written. However, all I managed to post was a small portion of it, "8ik7iuopui67yh5u6," before K walked in a put the kibosh on it. K would not let me post the rest because, she said, "it was too complicated and deep and no one would be interested." Grrrr! That made me mad, so I had a woofing discussion with K. I informed her that animals are very intelligent and would completely understand what I had written. And, hopefully, they would find it amusing. But K said that my paws were too big and I was accidentally hitting the number keys with the letters. I informed K that letters and numbers form animal's thoughts and my animal readers would know exactly what I was saying. K seemed doubtful but her skepticism was put to rest the very next day, and I was vindicated, when reading the Comments section. My cool friend Kodak had responded to my short piece with this witty reply, "2390mav90mewi!!" Very clever Kodak! Thank you! And for K, well, she humbly apologizes.